Registrations: 06/15 to 09/30.


The first HIMSS Latin America Healthcare Innovation Award (HIA) Awards program at the HIMSS Latin America Conference 2015 inspires global engagement in applying technology to healthcare’s most pressing problems by recognizing individuals, organizations, and companies that use innovative health technology solutions.

Healthcare Innovation Award (HIA) Award winners are profoundly improving healthcare outcomes condition through the use of technology. It is the goal of HIA Awards to showcase their compelling stories and reward their brilliant accomplishments as valuated by their peers attending the second annual HIMSS Latin America Conference.

Applications are evaluated in real-time based on instantaneous feedback from Conference Delegates.

Key criteria that relegates will be instructed to provide

  • The technology application significantly improves or offers a unique opportunity to improve healthcare outcomes in one of the 3 award areas: Acute Care, Community Health Care and mHealth.
  • A serious problem or challenge in Latin American Care Systems that is addressed by this use of technology.
  • The application of this innovative technology, which may be either a new invention or an innovative use of an existing technology, makes a noteworthy contribution that surpasses previous or current solutions.
  • The technology application is scalable beyond its current instance and could be used in diverse geographical and healthcare settings.
  • The technology application is currently in use in the field and has demonstrated a measurable benefit.

Additional guidelines

  • Applicants may submit their application in one category only.
  • Application consists of a 30-40 word description of the innovation, how it is currently used or will be used, expected or achieved outcomes, testimonials of users/third parties or those who have directly realized benefits from the innovation are encouraged.
  • Applicants who are selected to present their innovation on 5 November 2015 in Sao Paulo will have a 10 minute limit to present their innovation and will have access to only standard audio-visual equipment including a microphone, LCD projector and a standard audio system interface.?
  • Applications must be submitted online in English, by the deadline and forwarded to [email protected].
  • Future Award Laureates must commit to support or send a representative at future events related to HIMSS Latin America Healthcare Innovation Award.


Applications for Healthcare Innovation Awards 2015 opens on 15 June, 2015 and closes on 30 September, 2015.

Applications must be submitted online in English, by the deadline and forwarded to [email protected].


Acute Care Award

The Hospital is the most intensive and most costly setting for healthcare delivery. Simple innovative technologies in acute care settings can result in reduced cost, prevent missed healthcare opportunities, and improve patient outcomes. Still many, well-accepted technologies that have been deployed in other industries, are still being introduced into healthcare. Demonstrations for this category need not be ground breaking, but must be impactful, cost-effective and scalable.

Community Health Care Award

Community Health Care is the first line of defense to preventing costly, and in many cases, preventable hospital admissions, however Community Health Care typically has the lowest level of investment and resources to invest in information technology. Appropriate technologies to allow clinicians to effectively reach and treat patients and for patients to be connected to community care will be considered in this category.

mHealth Award

As wireless connectivity leaps over land lines and snail mail, mHealth is resonating in the Latin America and in much of the World as a major channel to make healthcare accessible and scalable. But where are we in the hype cycle? Is mobile health taking hold in a practical way and what is really working? Innovations in this category may span from the reaches mobile based telehealth to fitness, but should show real promise in driving improved healthcare outcomes.